Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Into the Dragon nest recruits occupation recommended the novice five selected five do not choose the career.

   Saying open desert dragon, I feel people are still a little too much, a lot of returnees. But also a lot of low-level role, day to Lotus strengthen, encountered a soldier, Juggernaut (and indeed most of the new players occupations are Juggernaut)

   Someone asked me or not his close disciple, I asked if he is a novice, his answer is, and then talk to him a few, I am not Shoutu Di's because I'm lazy, if revenue and do not bother with or busy with no time zone, there will be guilt. In this area is still a little festival parade, do not want new players in the current atmosphere of the subsolar the DN environmental outdated, the following is a 20 professional players. Regarded as Raiders or experience something written for the novice.

A song: career choice

Describe below:

   Choose a good career is the first step to victory, take a look at the top novice career on the wrong Juggernaut indeed novice players favorite chosen career, but in DN, the Juggernaut this career is not for the novice to play.

   I told you, DN is a subversion of the game of all games worldview thinking of other games to play DN, you're wrong, sooner or later grow Jour level.

   To talk about Juggernaut, Juggernaut soldiers turn to, certainly took the lead as a soldier, anti-war shopping, But DN's soldiers are not so.

   Juggernaut sword Wong and months main, two careers and the Sword Emperor Mofang low, copy the crackling not explain ah monthly main Mofang the medium, but nicknamed Male Master wretched kite stream known brush Fig. crab, the team is not popular, PVP, but less due to the base being sprayed less than previously ~ but soldiers can do the kite flow of play to the extreme, you can put the the Master bows of kite games, DN this one!

Novice what the play what kind of job? The following one:

Five major election: as a novice must not touch the career

   Not to say that these occupations is not good, just saying these career is not suitable for newcomers to reach relatives and friends accompanied by another operator.

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