Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Avengers Magic back strike test: not suitable for studying too much

About the magic back to strike:

Skills presentations that increase magic crit rate, you can attack the enemy from behind.

Then is back strike, there will be a behind the attacks prompted.

Well, under normal circumstances (intentional attack from the front) frequency of tetra behind attack exactly how? I whim test of PK brush two aspects, the following conclusions:

1. Under normal circumstances, the basic will back strike skills deaths cutting and cyclotron of the sickle!

2. Previously heard of the dark power more than half of the back hit, but I like how did not appear back strike.

3. The trial seems to have no back strike determination. The only additional damage.

4. The magic back to hit this skill tetra point should not be full. But consider a tie enchant.

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